Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our body and they
have better digestion and help with the immune system. If your
body is deficient in this bacterium, you should use probiotic
food or supplements available in the referees in your diet.
Probiotics affect the balance of beneficial and harmful bowel
bacteria and change the balance in favor of increasing the
population of beneficial bacteria probiotics induce their health
effects on the human body.

There are currently three resources in our country for the
supply of probiotics. Dairy probiotics, probiotic tablets, and
most of all probiotic vegetables and drinks.

Dairy products are destroyed due to the pasteurization of all
useful and non-useful bacteria, the probiotic strains are
injected into the product, which is why the variety of
probiotics is much less than vegetables and probiotic drinks,
and there is also an effect in probiotic tablets. Production
Zymo house products are used by wild fermentation, which
makes a large variety of probiotic bacteria in them.

These products are manufactured in a relatively long-term
process based on an ancient method called wild fermentation.
In wild fermentation, no starter is used, in which useful
bacteria on the surface of vegetables are grown and
reproduced within a few weeks, in fact by consuming these
vegetables, beneficial bacteria from the heart of nature enter
the body directly.

At first, vegetables are chosen that have more Lacto Bacillus
(useful bacteria) at their surface. Then the wild fermentation
process is performed on them, at this stage the salt is added to
the vegetable with a scientific ratio, which makes the space
suitable for the growth of lactobacillus and suitable for the
growth of Lactobacillus. Inappropriate forpathogens (non-useful
bacteria). At this time, two mechanisms are activated that
destroy pathogens. Due to wild fermentation, lactic acid is
produced, thus the acidity reaches my fourteenth, and this
acidity kills the pathogens. The second occurs when the number
of lactobacilli is higher than the pathogens, in which case the
competition wins the lactobacillus and eliminates the pathogens.

On average, there are two kilograms of bacteria in the human
body, both useful bacteria and harmful bacteria. Improve the
intestine. Even the intestinal lint means decreasing the
intestinal bacteria, which causes various diseases, including
weakening the immune system and causing cancer.

Useful bacteria in the intestine, in addition to destroying
harmful bacteria, strengthen the immune system by producing
IGG that absorbs the blood. Also, probiotics can help improve
the immune system by increasing the production of anti
inflammatory substances in the body. In general, the use of
probiotics is one of the most important strategies for improving
the function.

When you eat, sugar enters your blood and the body will
secrete insulin to absorb it. But the more insulin secretion, the
sooner you will be hungry. Probiotics produce substances that
regulate blood sugar and insulin secretion and do not allow
charts. Blood glucose rises quickly and too much insulin is
secreted, just like the action that apple cider vinegar does in
our body. The lower the insulin level, the longer the person
feels full.

Zymo House manufactures handmade probiotic products
without any preservatives or chemicals and even vinegar.
These products include kimchi, probiotic vegetables,
Cambodia, water kefir, non-dairy cheeses, and immune system-
strengthening shots.